Internet only price special..... AU$31.95 ................... Buy Now

We have been manufacturing and selling our Tank Water Level Indicator Kits since 2008.... with several improvement
along the way!
With our unit there is:-
> NO expensive moulded floats or
complicated pulleys are used.
> NO batteries or electrical wiring required.
> NO tension springs to continually adjust.
> NO big holes to make in your tank,
just ONE tiny12mm drill hole
> NO screws in the roof of your tank
> NO special tools required. Just a couple
basic tools and a sunny afternoon.
> NO techinical knowledge required. If you
can drill a hole and tie a knot, you can fit it!
> NO trying to decipher fitting instructions
translated from a foreign language.
> NO more unexpectedly getting
caught short of water!
> NO expensive repairs because
your pump ran dry.
> NO more wondering exactly how much
water you got in that last shower of rain!
> NO Rust........ ever!

Sloping roof.. NO problem!
We have kept the price low by incorporating a recyclable plastic "coke" type bottle instead of an expensive manufactured float. (If you don't drink 'coke', some Coles home brand soft drinks come in a 'coke' shaped plastic bottle)
Hey, its going to be sitting inside your tank, it will never be seen, it doesn't have to look pretty, it just has to do the job........ and it does it perfectly.
( Note that the Kits we supply are manufactured from all new materials.)
You may be tempted to think that because it uses a couple of perfetly good recyclable plastic containers that it can't be much good but don't be fooled by its simplicity, it is as efficient as any of its expensive counterparts on the market.
Like all good ideas it's simple; and it simply works!
What makes our Tank Water Level Indicator Kit special is that unlike other cheap float-type water level indicators that show the water level in REVERSE, this Kit shows the ACTUAL water level....... where the indicator is... that's where the water level is!
~~ Why would you want to stand on your head to read your tank water level ?
..................Oh, and did we mention it is COMPLETELY RUST PROOF!!!
Without going into detail, it works on a basic physics principal which you probably learnt at school if you did Elementary Physics but have forgotten all about it!
You will absolutely be surprised at how simple and fool-proof our unit is, the most common comment from our customers is, "What a simple great idea!"
It is suitable for ANY size above ground tank, (except partitioned or baffled type tanks) be it steel, plastic, fiberglass or concrete. (There is NO tank height limit but please let us know if it's over 4 metres high so we can supply extra line at no cost.)
Please email us if you have any questions, no matter how trivial.
It is AUSTRALIAN MADE (Bathurst, N.S.W.)
and comes with a twelve months warranty.
Please note that the actual main colours of the unit are BLACK & SILVER.
We have altered it to white in some pictures on our website for the sake of photo clarity.

"Ah!", I hear you say, "Is that all there is to it? I could make my own!" Well, maybe you could but there's more to it than you may think, that's why we've had many repeat customers who have bought Kits for their second and third tanks and as presents for their friends.
It LOOKS simple but the 'secret' is inside the tank and the material that we use. What you see IS NOT all there is to it!

Compare our neat,
slender unit to
this big thing >>>
SCREWED to the roof
with FOUR pullies
and TWO cords
running inside it
Not to mention the price!

Thinking of a different tank water level indicator?...... Click Here