Internet only price special..... AU$31.95 ................... Buy Now

I am a “tinkerer” from way back. I’m now retired and in my twilight years.
I first made one of these kits out of necessity in 2006 as I was getting too old to be climbing up a ladder to do an accurate check of the water level in our tanks, especially the big concrete one.
Many “proto-types” later, I came up with what was a simple but very effective basic design.
(Many improvements have been made along the way!)
I made quite a few kits for friends and at the suggestion of one of my friends I made a few and sold them on Ebay.
Anyway to cut a long story short, having a lot of time on my hands, I now make them (with my wife’s help) as a hobby just to keep busy.
As a family we take pride in our product and our service to our customers.
We are in total control of our product from manufacturing to sale.
Everything is done 'in house' so to speak, even printing and packaging and we pay attention to detail every step of the way. (Yes, I learn't how to make our own website..... so please don't be too critical of my amateur effort!)
There is nothing we like better than when a customer writes to us with feed-back on our product and we love it when they send us a photo of their installation.
So if you buy a Tank Water Level Indicator Kit from us please let us know if you were happy with it, had a problem or would like to make a suggestion, we would love to hear from you and we do answer every email.
We are situated in Kelso, a suburb of beautiful Bathurst in Central Western N.S.W. Australia.
Thank you for your interest.
Lou and Linda Lucano
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